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Cache API Reference

The mtaio.cache module provides various caching mechanisms for storing and retrieving data asynchronously.


The cache module includes the following main components:

  • TTLCache: Time-to-live cache implementation
  • DistributedCache: Distributed caching across multiple nodes
  • Various cache policies (LRU, LFU, FIFO)


TTLCache[T] is a generic cache implementation with time-to-live support.

Basic Usage

from mtaio.cache import TTLCache

# Create cache instance
cache = TTLCache[str](
    default_ttl=300.0,  # 5 minutes TTL

# Set value
await cache.set("key", "value")

# Get value
value = await cache.get("key")

Class Reference

class TTLCache[T]:
    def __init__(
        default_ttl: float = 300.0,
        max_size: Optional[int] = None,
        cleanup_interval: float = 60.0,
        eviction_policy: EvictionPolicy = EvictionPolicy.LRU,
        on_evicted: Optional[Callable[[str, T], Awaitable[None]]] = None,
        Initialize TTL cache.

            default_ttl (float): Default time-to-live in seconds
            max_size (Optional[int]): Maximum cache size (None for unlimited)
            cleanup_interval (float): Cleanup interval in seconds
            eviction_policy (EvictionPolicy): Cache eviction policy
            on_evicted (Optional[Callable[[str, T], Awaitable[None]]]): Callback for evicted items


async def set(key: str, value: T, ttl: Optional[float] = None) -> None

Set a cache value with optional TTL override.

# Set with default TTL
await cache.set("key", "value")

# Set with custom TTL
await cache.set("key", "value", ttl=60.0)  # 1 minute TTL

async def get(key: str, default: Optional[T] = None) -> Optional[T]

Get a cache value.

# Get value with default
value = await cache.get("key", default="default_value")

# Check if value exists
if (value := await cache.get("key")) is not None:
    print(f"Found value: {value}")

async def delete(key: str) -> None

Delete a cache value.

await cache.delete("key")

async def clear() -> None

Clear all cache entries.

await cache.clear()

async def touch(key: str, ttl: Optional[float] = None) -> bool

Update item TTL.

# Extend TTL
if await cache.touch("key", ttl=300.0):
    print("TTL updated")

Batch Operations

# Set multiple values
await cache.set_many({
    "key1": "value1",
    "key2": "value2"

# Get multiple values
values = await cache.get_many(["key1", "key2"])

# Delete multiple values
await cache.delete_many(["key1", "key2"])


DistributedCache[T] provides distributed caching across multiple nodes.

Basic Usage

from mtaio.cache import DistributedCache

# Create distributed cache
cache = DistributedCache[str](
        ("localhost", 5000),
        ("localhost", 5001)

async with cache:
    await cache.set("key", "value")
    value = await cache.get("key")

Class Reference

class DistributedCache[T]:
    def __init__(
        nodes: List[Tuple[str, int]],
        replication_factor: int = 2,
        read_quorum: int = 1,
        Initialize distributed cache.

            nodes (List[Tuple[str, int]]): List of cache node addresses
            replication_factor (int): Number of replicas
            read_quorum (int): Number of nodes for read consensus


Similar to TTLCache, but with distributed functionality:

async def set(key: str, value: T, ttl: Optional[float] = None) -> None

Set value across distributed nodes.

await cache.set("key", "value")

async def get(key: str) -> Optional[T]

Get value from distributed cache with quorum.

value = await cache.get("key")

Cache Policies


Enum defining cache eviction policies:

class EvictionPolicy(Enum):
    LRU = auto()  # Least Recently Used
    LFU = auto()  # Least Frequently Used
    FIFO = auto() # First In First Out

Specialized Cache Classes


LRU-specific TTL cache implementation.

from mtaio.cache import TTLLRUCache

cache = TTLLRUCache[str](max_size=1000)
await cache.set("key", "value")


LFU-specific TTL cache implementation.

from mtaio.cache import TTLLFUCache

cache = TTLLFUCache[str](max_size=1000)
await cache.set("key", "value")


FIFO-specific TTL cache implementation.

from mtaio.cache import TTLFIFOCache

cache = TTLFIFOCache[str](max_size=1000)
await cache.set("key", "value")

Statistics and Monitoring

Cache implementations provide statistics tracking:

from mtaio.cache import TTLCache

cache = TTLCache[str]()

# Get cache statistics
stats = cache.get_stats()
print(f"Cache hits: {stats.hits}")
print(f"Cache misses: {stats.misses}")
print(f"Hit rate: {stats.hit_rate:.2f}")

CacheStats Class

class CacheStats:
    hits: int = 0
    misses: int = 0
    evictions: int = 0
    expirations: int = 0
    items: int = 0

Error Handling

The cache module defines several exception types:

from mtaio.exceptions import (
    CacheError,          # Base cache exception
    CacheKeyError,       # Invalid or not found key
    CacheConnectionError # Connection failure

    await cache.get("key")
except CacheKeyError:
    print("Key not found")
except CacheConnectionError:
    print("Connection failed")
except CacheError as e:
    print(f"Cache error: {e}")

Advanced Usage

Custom Cache Implementations

Creating a custom cache implementation:

from mtaio.cache import TTLCache
from mtaio.typing import CacheKey, CacheValue

class CustomCache(TTLCache[str]):
    async def pre_set(self, key: str, value: str) -> None:
        # Pre-processing before cache set

    async def post_get(self, key: str, value: Optional[str]) -> Optional[str]:
        # Post-processing after cache get
        return value

Cache Decorators

Using cache decorators for function results:

from mtaio.decorators import with_cache
from mtaio.cache import TTLCache

cache = TTLCache[str]()

async def expensive_operation(param: str) -> str:
    # Expensive computation
    return result

Best Practices

  1. TTL Configuration

    # Short TTL for frequently changing data
    volatile_cache = TTLCache[str](default_ttl=60.0)
    # Longer TTL for stable data
    stable_cache = TTLCache[str](default_ttl=3600.0)

  2. Resource Management

    async with TTLCache[str]() as cache:
        # Cache is automatically cleaned up

  3. Error Handling

        async with cache.transaction() as txn:
            await txn.set("key", "value")
    except CacheError:
        # Handle cache errors

  4. Monitoring

    # Monitor cache performance
    stats = cache.get_stats()
    if stats.hit_rate < 0.5:
        logger.warning("Low cache hit rate")

See Also